World Impact Network
This is more than a project—it's a global conversation about what we are doing to make the world a better place.
Our mission:
We aim to create a dynamic, interactive platform where people from every single country in the world can showcase their nation's journey toward these critical goals.
Through firsthand photographs and stories, we aim to provide a transparent and authentic view of how different cultures and communities are addressing global challenges. We want 17 unique pictures representing 17 goals from each country that reflect their possession and culture best.
Also to accompany these photographs, for each goal, one page of writing of thoughts and self-reflection from young and passionate members of the community in their native languages will be gathered into a handbook. Thus, this booklet will be accessible in every language and portray a global view of the sustainable development of the human race.
WIN is an interactive platform where people from every nation can upload photographs or writings of their own to showcase their country's journey towards United Nation's Sustainability Development Goals.
Global Gallery
We are sharing your photographs here!
This month:
Goal 16- Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Target 16.2-End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children
Goal 15- Life On Land
Goal 4 - Quality Education