High-income countries leave a larger environmental footprint than low-income countries.*

Our planet has provided us with an abundance of natural resources.But we have not utilized them responsibly and currently consume far beyond what our planet can provide. We must learn how to use and produce in sustainable ways that will reverse the harm that we have inflicted on the planet.

What you can share about?

You can show us the current observations of actions taken in your country to reduce food and water waste.


You can present the current situation in your community how well does your nation provides sustainable production and consumption awareness for all, how much your city contribute to sustainability research opportunities.

Visit the link to learn about 11 specific targets of global goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Here are some examples:

High Carbon Emitting Industrialization
Wasting Food

Take a picture of your city! Metro stations, roads, bridges... How well does nature accompanies your city? How well does your city benefit from sustainable buildings, green roads etc. ?

Some cities experience intense air pollution due to industrialization. If that appeal to you take a picture of it. You can share a photo of the protest or action taken to decrease carbon emission, possibly a project you joined or helped through. In your writing you can reflect your experience and/or feelings about living in such a community.

Infrastructure Sustainability

Every year an average person wastes 120 kilograms of food. Showcase your daily life moments that you encounter food waste or the contrary situation.

Do you see or use solar panels, or other renewable energy type in your neighbourhood? Does you building benefit from plantation on the roof, filtrate to the chimney or so? You can take the photo of it.

Renewable Energy
multicolored buntings on pathway

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Share your photos and be part of our endeavour to showcase global problems and where we are as humanity to solve them.

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